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The Importance of Saying "I'm Sorry"

There is an expression that we use when we make a mistake: “I'm only human.” We're saying that everybody makes mistakes, so what we did is okay. And it is okay, as long as we take personal responsibility for our wrongdoing. Saying “sorry” but not meaning it or not intending to improve our actions will cause a lack of trust to develop. Saying “I'm sorry” and admitting that we did something wrong is the first step to self-improvement. Saying “I'm sorry” gives a marriage the resiliency to weather both partners' mistakes.


Taking Responsibility

For example: Lets taken an example of Mr.X Ad his wife Mrs. X

Mr.X had difficulty taking responsibility for his actions. He had agreed to come home at six o'clock every night, which was very important to his wife, Mrs.X. She worked part-time so that she could be with their infant during the day, and she often needed to leave at six o'clock for night meetings. Trent would occasionally come home on time, but many nights he would be 10, 20, or even 30 minutes late. He always had an excuse about something coming up at work or the bad traffic on the freeway. He never once said, “I'm sorry.” Trent blamed his lateness on external factors instead of taking personal responsibility.

This behavior frustrated Mrs.X to no end. She could never count on him for any of her evening plans. She felt that she had done her fair share by being home with their baby most of the day and that Trent was not living up to his end of the bargain. One day, she let him know how furious she was. Through her tears she said, “You never even say, `I'm sorry,' like somehow it isn't even your fault. It is your fault. You're the one who's late all the time.” Mr,X took a step back and looked at Mrs.X. At first he wanted to shout back, “Of course, I say I'm sorry,” but then he realized it wasn't true. He was always making excuses. It took a while, but he finally apologized. By doing so, he was taking responsibility for his actions rather than blaming external factors.



Perfect partners

In a partnership, your problem is your partner's problem. (And vice versa!) Often, people don't take the time or make the effort to help their mate with difficulties he or she may be experiencing in the outside world. It's important to a strong marriage that couples solve problems together.

Think Twice

Don't spend all your time trying to figure out who is to blame. You have the power to rise above this petty game! Instead, spend that time solving the problem. You will waste less time and accomplish more.



Why It's Important to Apologize in Relationships

Many people have complicated feelings about apologies, and not all of our thoughts and feelings about apologies line up. Some of us were forced to apologize as children when we hurt someone, and some of us apologized freely and felt immediately better after having done so. Some people feel shamed by apologizing while others feel ashamed until we have done so.

Positive Outcomes

We might have found out with regards to the requirement for saying 'sorry' when we've harmed a companion—inadvertently or in any case—yet do you have at least some idea why saying 'sorry' is truly significant, and which work a decent conciliatory sentiment serves? Scientists and analysts have pinpointed some significant justifications for why saying 'sorry' is essential when social guidelines have been disregarded.

Some of the good things that come from a sincere apology:

1.     Apologizing when you've broken a rule of social conduct—from cutting in line to breaking the law—re-establishes that you know what the "rules" are, and you agree that they should be upheld. This allows others to feel safe knowing you agree that hurtful behavior isn't OK.

2.    Apologies re-establish dignity for those you hurt. Letting the injured party know that you know it was your fault, not theirs, helps them feel better, and it helps them save face.

3.    Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again.

Advantages of Apologizing

Relationships can be great sources of stress relief, but conflict can cause considerable stress, which really takes a toll. Learn the art of apologizing effectively and you may find a significant reduction in the negative effects of conflict and relationship stress because apologies help us put the conflict behind us and move on more easily.

There are many benefits that come from forgiveness in terms of and happiness and stress relief as well. In these ways, being adept at apologizing when appropriate can bring the benefits that come with stronger relationships, reduced conflict, and forgiveness—it's well worth the effort.



An insincere apology can often do more damage than no apology at all. When you are apologizing, it is important to include a few key ingredients so you can apologize sincerely. They should help you to maintain healthy, happy relationships with your friends, family and loved ones.