The current world has been so restricted to communicate with any person, personal people or professional people, say boss to employee, brother to sister, parent to child. Sometimes I think is it because of the new changes happening in every century about new things or new technology or is this ones ego which comes out. WHY, WHY, WHY, Sometimes I ask this question to myself. And what I have noticed by experience is one does not trust each other, If I communicate thoughts what next, if positive well and good and if rejection to response it leaves to ones feeling as insult, which is one develops a thought within himself.
Is this that we depend on the nature reaction towards an individual, dress one wears, type of the food they eat, or is it the type of the entertainment they see or hear. Do we think are these limits to start communicating and take such hasty decisions and still we say we are so much technology driven in this new century. We ourselves have done this and spreading this like a fire and keeping trolling in social media and professional sites. I think we have killed wise and intelligent decisions with this kind of way reacting to a situation and start blaming the new thought process and technology for this and start thinking of innovation and creativity of bringing new things and technology instead of correcting what went wrong this current. But usually we realize this mistake later and by that time the impact of this is widespread.
Straight forward communications trusted since years and still are more valued in developing ones thought about people and honestly speaking we don't respect them. Please note straight forward communication does not mean to hurt one's ego, it is very important how and when we need to communicate solving the purpose of noble cause. Stop wasting time who is thinking what you're discussing or communicating with whomsoever.
It's you both who have to understand the discussion and trust among yourselves and to ignore the rest of the world about what they think. if one is so much insecure of negative response, drive keeping alternatives beside you so one need not worry about results of communication and can stay strong. As a human you need to accept the response on thoughts positive or negative and grow strong. This single step will make a huge impact on others about your thought process about an individual.
Bring back the clear thought process what we used to do in our schooling days with plain and simple mind. Now it looks everyday every minute a war of thoughts and communication developing a thought about an individual, simply nonsense and rubbish.
When was the last time you paid attention to your thoughts? I mean, really noticed your thoughts without judgement? Here's the thing: most people are oblivious to their thoughts because it is like a crowded freeway in their mind, where drivers are asleep at the wheel. This is what many people experience with their thoughts. The noise is overwhelming, so they ignore their thoughts. However, this is a problem because if we are unaware of our thoughts, how can we trust what we think, let alone trust ourselves to communicate truthfully?
Your conscious thoughts are the artefacts of your unconscious beliefs. Let me explain what I mean. Thoughts are the storehouses of the unconscious mind and they define reality as you believe it to be. However, they are subjective, meaning what you believe about the world differs from others.
In other words, no matter how
hard you try to change your conscious thoughts, it is futile until you
reconcile your unconscious beliefs. It is because the unconscious represents
your accumulated thoughts, beliefs, and experiences from childhood. It is the
storeroom for experienced trauma and the canvas upon which you perceive life.
Change Your Internal Scripts
Are you comfortable with this idea that your unconscious mind determines the quality of your life? To create a better future requires transforming unconscious thoughts to be in harmony with the reality you wish to live. This is because many of your thoughts are outside of your awareness, and it is difficult to determine the origins of your unconscious beliefs. Typically, you can look at areas of your life not functioning optimally, such as your relationships, finances, career, and health. Where there is a dysfunction in these respective areas, chances are, you are manifesting via your unconscious beliefs. The good news: you can change your internal scripts by making conscious what is unconscious. It requires re-internalising a new belief and rehearsing it until it becomes your new reality.
To put this another way: to make conscious the unconscious, requires being mindful of your outdated scripts (beliefs) and creating new mental associations. For example, I had a stern upbringing from an uncompromising father. Nothing I did was good enough for him; he always found fault with my choices. This resulted in repressed anger and feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness into early adulthood. When triggered as an adult, these unconscious wounds took centre stage and played out in my life. It felt normal to react this way because I was unconscious of my reactions. This is the biggest insight I hope you take from this article: When unconscious beliefs are repeated and reinforced, they become an automatic response and feel normal to you.
Don't Fight The Ego
To further reinforce this idea: If someone criticizes you, you might think they are being cruel and unfair. After all, they are the source of your pain; you assume. However, if you are in an intimate relationship, where the other person mirrors your unconscious beliefs, you will go to war to defend your position. If the relationship breaks down, you might decide to work on untangling your unconscious wounds. In my case, I spent years transforming my unconscious beliefs because I did not want to be dictated by my unconscious beliefs. Nowadays, when I experience anger, criticism, or shame, I am mindful of my reactions. I am no longer entangled in my unconscious reactions. Instead, I allow them to pass through my consciousness without being dictated by them.
Introducing Mind Sorcerer
When a person faces bouts of anxiety attacks, is unable to relax or facing problems for which they cannot diagnose the source or origin, the next likely step is to seek an appointment with a professional. Visiting a mind sorcerer can be overwhelming for some, regardless of the nature of their problem. When we live in a society where mental health is associated with stigmatic trauma, the victim often takes a long time or a lot of coercing to open up and admit they are facing issues. It is getting ready to this stage which is the actual struggle. Once the patient accepts that they have a mental health problem and it needs to be dealt with by a professional, visiting a therapy clinic is only one step closer to success.